Jun Li, Ph.D.

Professor of Human GeneticsProfessor & Associate Chair for Research of Computational Medicine and BioinformaticsFaculty, Center for Statistical Genetics; Comprehensive Cancer CenterMember, Depression Center; Michigan Diabetes Research Center; Michigan Metabolomics & Obesity CenterCo-Director, Michigan Center for Single-Cell Genomic Data Analytics
5940A Buhl1241 E. Catherine St. SPC 5618Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5618junzli@med.umich.edu734-615-5754
Jun Li Lab, 2019 Fall


Department of Human Genetics
Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics

About the Lab

The Li lab studies the genetic and functional basis of complex human diseases using genomic approaches.  Currently our NIH-supported projects include multi-omic studies of a genetic rat model of addiction behavior (NIDA U01) and the MoTrPAC Consortium (U24 NIH Common Funds), which seeks to discover the molecular transducers of the health benefit of physical exercise.  Dr. Li co-directs the Michigan Center for Single-Cell Genomic Data Analytics and the Single-Cell Spatial Analysis Program.  Through collaborations we are working on single-cell and spatial analysis of the reproductive systems: spermatogenesis in males, and the biology of the fallopian tube, uterus, and the ovary. An overarching theme in the Li lab is the responsible use of complex data in transparent, reproducible, and community extendable research.  We are constantly recruiting talented individuals with background in biostatistics and biomedical data science.  

Selected News

2024 The paper with Peng Li's group appeared in Nature Neuroscience.

2024 Ford successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations!!!

2024 Congratulations to Ford for winning the Best Poster Award at this year's Dhashu Data Science Symposium.

2024 Jun was inducted into the 2024 Class of the AIMBE College of Fellows.

2024 Hammoud-Li lab's preprint "Cellular heterogeneity and dynamics of the human uterus in healthy premenopausal women", features hard work by Nicole Ulrich, Alex Vargo, Qianyi Ma, Yu-chi Shen, and support from the Human Cell Atlas Seed Networks.

2024 Congratulations to D. Ford Hannum! His co-first author paper "Cellular atlas of the human ovary using morphologically guided spatial transcriptomics and single-cell sequencing" appeared in Science Advances (also featuring Andrea Jones and Ariella Shikanov, with CZI-HCA support). See Michigan Medicine coverage. And on Bloomberg

2024 Congratulations to Yanchao "Han" Pan! His co-first author paper "A revamped rat reference genome improves the discovery of genetic diversity in laboratory rats" appeared in Cell Genomics (with Tristan V de Jong, Hao Chen, and NIDA support). See Health Lab coverage.

2023 December, Andrea Jones in Shikanov lab defended her dissertation. Congratulations!  

2023 Hammoud-Li review, "Decoding the Spermatogenesis Program: New Insights from Transcriptomic Analyses", by PhD students Mashiat Rabbani, Xianing Zheng, Gabe L Manske.

2023 March, Johanna Fleishman defended her dissertation, highlighting an amazing paper in Molecular Metabolism "Intrinsic cardiorespiratory fitness modulates clinical and molecular response to caloric restriction", with Chuck Burant.

2022-03 Our joint paper with Sue Hammoud's group has appeared in Dev Cell, and U-M Lab Blog

2022-03 Our work with MIDAS was profiled by U-M articles (1 and 2)

2021-03 Xianing received the prestigious Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations!

2020-02 John Lloyd received a two-year fellowship from the MICHR Postdoctoral Translational Scholars Program.

2019.12, Dr. Li and colleagues (Drs. Keller, Wilson, Nagrath, Colacino, Rao) were awarded the Single-Cell Spatial Analysis Program from the Biosciences Initiative.

2019-12 Dr. Li was elected as a Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science

2018.12 MIDAS single-cell biology winter retreat

2018.10 Coverage of a new paper from our collaboration with the Rosenberg group. (STAT)

2018.10 New York Times coverage of the ideology of human genetic diversity

2018.08 Single-cell genomic data analytics symposium

Copyright © 2022, Jun Li Lab

For questions, please contact web manager at hanyou@umich.edu.